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WienMobil Simmering

WienMobil Simmering.jpeg

urban neighbourhood hub - large


Operation Start (Year)


Vienna, Austria
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Physical Integration
Level 0
Definition 0 (No physical integration): One shared transport mode, not at walking distance to public transport, no integration between the modes. No universal design criteria are considered
Subway and train station across the street, mobility point is visible from one of the main exits. Several shops and parcel locker available at the station.
Digital Integration
Level 0
Definition 0 (No digital integration): No digital integration of shared and public transport mode options offered at the hub. There are separate services and platforms for each mode. No universal design criteria are required
Wien Mobil App allows to plan trips connected to the services available at the station and gives information on booking channels.
Democratic Integration
Level 0
Definition 0 (No involvement): No involvement or consideration of stakeholder interests and user needs.
Connected to the Smarter Together project intensive offers for active participation were realized, also reaching out to groups easier to meet in public space through a mobile trailer (SIM mobil). Two workshops were organized to collect user needs/wishes and to gather open input.
Research Projects