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Hubs - Cards
Country: Switzerland ×
Status: ongoing ×
Typology: national · urban-small
Physical Integration Level: 0
Digital Integration Level: 0
Democratic Integration Level: 0
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Sorglos Mobil
Luzern, Switzerland

Hub in a new city district, carbon neutral district, carsharing, bikesharing, cargobikes, puplic transport credit, pilot project, housing-based, district combines living, working and leisure activities New district with own energy production for carbon neutrality, All-Inclusive-Mobility, different subscriptions including carsharing; bikesharing and a public transport credit, operated by Sorgloos Mobil


Zurich Airport
Zurich, Switzerland


ZüriMobil Guggachpark
Zürich, Switzerland

An den ZüriMobil Stationen ist der Umstieg von einem Verkehrsmittel auf das andere noch einfacher. Alle Angebote der Mobilitätspartner sind nur wenige Meter voneinander entfernt.

ZüriMobil Network

Stations at: Stations Flurstrasse in Zürich Altstetten, Seebach und Heuried
