Public Transport stop next to large market in a challenging neighborhood
Reconstruction of PT stop and urban redesign of the area with the goal to create societal support. Moving from transit stop to mobility hub fitting needs of vulnerable-to-exclusion groups living in the area
Compared to average in city: lower income, slightly younger, higher level of people on social benefits, Very high percentage migrant population (up to 93%). 0,6 cars in household.
550,000 in 2021
2,700,000 in 2021
Municipality of the Hague
Local Administration:
- Department of Urban Development (Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling - DSO)
- Department of City Management (Dienst Stadsbeheer- DSB)
- Department of Education, Culture & Well-Being (Dienst Onderwijs, Cultuur en Welzijn - OCW), Department of Social Affairs and Employment Projects (Dienst Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheidsprojecten - SZW)
- Mayor: Jan van Zanen (VVD)
- Alderman for Mobility and Culture, Robert van Asten (D66)
Local Public or Private Stakeholders:
Local Networks:
- Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG)
- Municipal Network for Mobility and Infrastructure (GNMI)
- Eurocities
- Civitas
- POLIS (Province of South Holland, CROW, Rijkswaterstaat)
Province of South Holland
Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague (MRDH)- Regional Minister for Mobility and Public Transport, Environmental and Safety Licensing and Governance (Frederik Zevenbergen, VVD)
- Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague (MRDH)
- Regional PT Providers (HTM, RET, NS)
- Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (Mark Harbers, VVD)
- Minister of the Environment (Vivianne Heijnen, CDA)
A: 4 themes and corresponding strategic choices: 1. "the compact city": Prioritizing predestrians and cylists as well as achiving an safe and slow traffic. 2. "mobility on a human scale": Putting the the travller in the center by making shared mobiity, cycling and public transport more user-friendly by a target group and area-oriented approach. 3. "city-friendly transport" Address safety and waste management considerations in the creation of new and existing spaces. 4. "region and node development" Mobility hubs are the key for a mobility network.
B: area-baesed opportunitny maps incl. instruments:
1. centre enviorments
2. pre-war city districts
3. post-war city districts
4. the regional context and mobilty hubs
Area-based approach: -empahsis within the mobilty tansition will differ per area or district -goal: the mobilty system will be made more tailor-made
Efficent used of existing space: -shared mobility is an instrument for making space in public areas -logistics mobility hubs with smart digital technology for efficient goods transport -privat cars are parked as much as possible on private property
Accessible mobility networks: -a sutibel network for intersecetion level and network level - residential and commercial development should include easily accessible parking. -Realisiton of s hubs system for the entire region The Hag -reinforcement for the public transport sector -idea of neighbourhood hubs -develop a network of metropolitan bicyles routes