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Hubs - Cards
Status: planned ×
Physical Integration Level: 0 · 1
Digital Integration Level: 0 · 1 · 2
Democratic Integration Level: 0 · 1
Mobipoint Rhisnes Gare SNCB
La Bruyère, Belgium

Mobility hub in the village of Rhisnes, planned for opening in 2023 - opening postponed by regional authorities.

rural planned

Munich, Germany

Accessibility for green space

central-urban planned

Hamburg, Germany

This is a collection of mobility hubs that will be built as a part of an urban development in Hamburg. Not only should these hubs provide mobility opportunities, they should act as neighborhood centers. The hubs are located close to the bus/S-Bahn network. There are 11 planned hubs.

urban-small planned

Plaza Circular Hub
Murcia, Spain

The new bus stops represent an improvement in the management of the transport system, becoming more fluid stops, reducing the time the bus spends at the stop. At the same time, this design allows for the location of areas where electric buses can stay and recharge.


Pôle d’échange multimodal de Vauvert
Ville de Vauvert, France

It was also thought to increase the train service. Green and public spaces will be added (playgrounds and picnic areas).

urban-fringe planned

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Raadsplein - Place du Conseil
Brussels, Belgium

The mobility hub in Kuregem will be designed during the SmartHubs project.

urban-large planned

Vienna, Austria

national planned

Pixendorf, Austria

regional train station on the outer edge of Vienna, located quite distant from housing area

rural planned

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Munich, Germany

Our main focus is to integrate passenger and freight transport, by placing Access points (UPS) and cargo bicycles near public transport stops and bike-sharing stations. Additional cargo bikes will be provided for renting.

The value added of a personal “mobility consultant” will be examined, targeting elderly and digitally limited skilled population groups.

A “Wish”list will be available for a co-design of the stations

central-urban planned

Verkehrsdrehscheibe Emmenbrücke
Luzern, Switzerland

Emmenbrücke railway station and bus station form an important public transport hub in the Lucerne agglomeration.

Its urban environment is currently being completely transformed. This is where a new regional centre with numerous additional jobs, flats and study places is beeing developed. So that this area is equipped for the future, the Emmenbrücke traffic hub will be further expanded in the medium to long term.

Embedded in the overall spatial plans

urban-small planned