The Anderlecht mobility hub will be designed during the SmartHubs project.
Public transport stops; parking for people with disabilities.
lower socio-economic status, high migrant population Language Barriers
Municipality of Anderlecht (Commune d'Anderlecht / Gemeentebestuur Anderlecht)
Local Administration:
- Mobility Office (Cellule mobilité - Move / Mobiliteitscel - Move)
- Alderman / Alderwoman for Urban Development, Civil Engineering, Mobility, Parking, Public Space, Networks (Échevin / Échevine - Développement urbain, Travaux publics, Mobilité, Politique de stationnement, Aménagement de l'espace public, Réseaux / Schepen - Stadsontwikkeling - Openbare Werken - Mobiliteit - Parkeerbeleid - Aanleg van de openbare ruimte - Netten), …
Local Networks:
- Association of Cities and Municipalities of the Brussels-Capital (BAS)
- Brussels Mobility (Bruxelles Mobilité / Brussel Mobiliteit)
- Public Transport Provider STIB / MIVB
- Public Service for Transport and Mobility
- Belgian Institute for Road Safety (IBSR)
The Good Move plan takes part in the city sustainable development planning. It was developed in a participatory process, that started in 2016. It includes a regulatory framework as well as an action plan. It divides into six strategic focuses:
- good neighbourhoods (mobility management in neighbourhoods, quality of life for inhabitants)
- good network (organise transportation networks and efficient service)
- good service (provide integrated services)
- good choice (guide individual and collective choice)
- good partner (ensure partnership governance)
- good knowledge (update and evaluate mobility data)
Important regulations and buzzwords are:
- "STOP"-principle (hierarchy of transport modes: pedestrians, bike, PT, cars)
- speed limit of 30km/h in regional area
- multimodal specialisation of routes
Multimodality is described as one of six mayor levers to be improved. The plan mentions the implementation of strategic changing points that should follow certain standards and should be measured due to user satisfaction and other parameters.
The local mobility contracts are planned as part of the "Good Move" Regional Mobility Plan. They define circulation schemes on detailed district level in order to define what kind of modes and traffic should be on which streets. Additionally, the plan includes an action plan how to realise, finance and organise the implementation of the new schemes. The plan for Curegem includes the territory of the municipality of Anderlecht.