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Hubs - Cards
Status: planned ×
Typology: urban-small ×
Physical Integration Level: 0 · 1
Digital Integration Level: 0 · 2
Democratic Integration Level: 0
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Aspern Nord Overview.jpeg
Aspern Nord
Vienna, Austria

public transport node on the northern edge of Seestadt Vienna

urban-small planned

Haarlem Nieuw Zuid
Haarlem, Netherlands

This is an urban neighbourhood hub under development in an area that is under development in Haarlem. Haarlem houses 162.000 residents.

urban-small planned

Matosinhos, Portugal

create a smart neighbourhood, as a low carbon space, resilient, accessible, participated and connected.

urban-small planned

Mobipoint Gembloux Place de l’Hotel de Ville
Gembloux, Belgium

Mobility hub in the city center of Gembloux, to be opened in the course of 2023 - opening postponed by regional authorities.

urban-small planned

Mobipoint Ottignies Centre-Douaire
Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Mobility hub at a shopping center, planned for opening in 2023 - opening postponed by regional authorities.

urban-small planned

Hamburg, Germany

This is a collection of mobility hubs that will be built as a part of an urban development in Hamburg. Not only should these hubs provide mobility opportunities, they should act as neighborhood centers. The hubs are located close to the bus/S-Bahn network. There are 11 planned hubs.

urban-small planned

Verkehrsdrehscheibe Emmenbrücke
Luzern, Switzerland

Emmenbrücke railway station and bus station form an important public transport hub in the Lucerne agglomeration.

Its urban environment is currently being completely transformed. This is where a new regional centre with numerous additional jobs, flats and study places is beeing developed. So that this area is equipped for the future, the Emmenbrücke traffic hub will be further expanded in the medium to long term.

Embedded in the overall spatial plans

urban-small planned