From SmartHubs
Welcome to the SmartHubs project's Open Data Platform!
The SmartHubs project examines mobility hubs, dedicated on-street locations where citizens can choose from different shared and sustainable mobility options. learn more...
On this platform you are able to view, edit and compare mobility hub learning examples. Integration levels, developed by the SmartHubs project team, allow standardized benchmarking and the planning of development goals for hubs. For more information on the integration levels see here: Overview on integration levels
Have a look on all hubs in table view or see which hubs are organized in an hub network on the seperate sub-pages: Hubs, Networks. For research and innovation projects with dedicated case study hubs have a look on this sub-page.
in the database: 158 Hubs (9 of which are Case Studies in the SmartHubs Project), 26 Mobility Hub Networks
Mobility Hubs
ZüriMobil Guggachpark
Zürich, Switzerland
An den ZüriMobil Stationen ist der Umstieg von einem Verkehrsmittel auf das andere noch einfacher. Alle Angebote der Mobilitätspartner sind nur wenige Meter voneinander entfernt.
ZüriMobil Network
Stations at: Stations Flurstrasse in Zürich Altstetten, Seebach und Heuriedurban-small

ÖBB 360° Korneuburg
Korneuburg, Austria
The city of Korneuburg offers a wide range of mobility services (car sharing, (e-) bike sharing, cargobike sharing, scooter sharing). All modes can be reserved/booked via the wegfinder APP and are billed via it.
ÖBB 360° Leoben
Leoben, Austria
Leoben offers Car Sharing and E-Scooter Sharing. Car Sharing (ÖBB Rail&Drive) is located next to the train station with 7 cars. E-Scooter Sharing stations are distributed throughout the city.