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Hubs - Cards
Status: closed · ongoing · planned
Smartness: Single Mobility Services ×
Physical Integration Level: 0 · 1 · 2
Digital Integration Level: 0 · 1 · 2
Democratic Integration Level: 0 · 1 · 2 · 4
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Munich, Germany

Our main focus is to integrate passenger and freight transport, by placing Access points (UPS) and cargo bicycles near public transport stops and bike-sharing stations. Additional cargo bikes will be provided for renting.

The value added of a personal “mobility consultant” will be examined, targeting elderly and digitally limited skilled population groups.

A “Wish”list will be available for a co-design of the stations

central-urban planned

Bucharest, Romania

University of Bucharest


Verkehrsdrehscheibe Emmenbrücke
Luzern, Switzerland

Emmenbrücke railway station and bus station form an important public transport hub in the Lucerne agglomeration.

Its urban environment is currently being completely transformed. This is where a new regional centre with numerous additional jobs, flats and study places is beeing developed. So that this area is equipped for the future, the Emmenbrücke traffic hub will be further expanded in the medium to long term.

Embedded in the overall spatial plans

urban-small planned

VMobil Lustenau
Lustenau, Austria

Switch easily and quickly between train, bus, bike and e-car sharing in one place. As it is already the norm in large cities, it is to become easier in Vorarlberg to combine different environmentally friendly means of transport smoothly and flexibly with each other at the VMobil stations. Train stations in rural areas become multimodal stations


Wanstead High Street
London, United Kingdom

Suburban mini hub including car-sharing, EV charging, space to include micro-mobility, outdoor seating area and plants. Source: &

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WienMobil Station Bruno Marek Allee
Vienna, Austria

housing-based, decentralized hub, with carsharing, bikesharing and PT nearby

Mobility Hub in new urban area, with an audience with a very high sharing affinity . Car sharing vehicles are located in public space, other vehicles (bikes, cargo bikes,..) are located on a semi- private location.

Station is organized by Wiener Linien (public transport operator) and partly operated by MO.Point (private sharing operator for all kind of vehicles)


Zagreb Glavni kolodvor
Zagreb, Crotia

is the main railway station in Zagreb, Croatia.[2] Located 1 km (0.62 mi) south of the city's main square,[1] it is the largest station in Croatia and the main hub of the Croatian Railways network.


Munich, Germany

Address Zenettiplatz 2

Carsharing Freefloating 2 parking spaces Carsharing Stationary 3 Parking spaces Electric charging infrastructure 4 charging ports (AC) Info desk yes Bicycles MVG Rad

Electric bicycles MVG eRad


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Zuidplein Hub
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Public Transport node in South of Rotterdam in challenging neighborhood


Zurich Airport
Zurich, Switzerland


ZüriMobil Guggachpark
Zürich, Switzerland

An den ZüriMobil Stationen ist der Umstieg von einem Verkehrsmittel auf das andere noch einfacher. Alle Angebote der Mobilitätspartner sind nur wenige Meter voneinander entfernt.

ZüriMobil Network

Stations at: Stations Flurstrasse in Zürich Altstetten, Seebach und Heuried


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ÖBB 360° Korneuburg
Korneuburg, Austria

The city of Korneuburg offers a wide range of mobility services (car sharing, (e-) bike sharing, cargobike sharing, scooter sharing). All modes can be reserved/booked via the wegfinder APP and are billed via it.


ÖBB 360° Leoben
Leoben, Austria

Leoben offers Car Sharing and E-Scooter Sharing. Car Sharing (ÖBB Rail&Drive) is located next to the train station with 7 cars. E-Scooter Sharing stations are distributed throughout the city.
