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Hubs - Cards
Country: Austria ×
Status: ongoing · planned
Typology: urban-small ×
Physical Integration Level: 1 · 2
Digital Integration Level: 0 · 2
Democratic Integration Level: 0 ×
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Aspern Nord Overview.jpeg
Aspern Nord
Vienna, Austria

public transport node on the northern edge of Seestadt Vienna

urban-small planned

Griesfeld Smarthubs.jpeg
easymobil Griesfeld
Wiener Neudorf, Austria

Award-winning hub in Lower Austria with a tram connection to Vienna


TIM Hasnerplatz
Graz, Austria

Every tim location is near a public transport stop. You can drive almost around the clock and always safely and comfortably to the nearest tim mobiliy node. This pioneer mobility-hub is located in a mixed neighborhood of housing as well as businesses. Available tim services: connection to public transport, carsharing (electric and fuel-operated), rental cars, e-taxis, parking spaces for bikes, Cargo Bike and a public charging station for private e-cars.


TIM Jakominigürtel Graz
Graz, Austria

Every tim location is near a public transport stop. You can drive almost around the clock and always safely and comfortably to the nearest tim mobiliy node. This hub is located in a mixed neighborhood of housing as well as businesses and the fair-grounds. Available tim services: connection to public transport, carsharing (electric and fuel-operated), rental cars, e-taxis, parking spaces for bikes and a public charging station for private e-cars.


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WienMobil Station Bruno Marek Allee
Vienna, Austria

housing-based, decentralized hub, with carsharing, bikesharing and PT nearby

Mobility Hub in new urban area, with an audience with a very high sharing affinity . Car sharing vehicles are located in public space, other vehicles (bikes, cargo bikes,..) are located on a semi- private location.

Station is organized by Wiener Linien (public transport operator) and partly operated by MO.Point (private sharing operator for all kind of vehicles)
