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Welcome to the SmartHubs project's Open Data Platform!
The SmartHubs project examines mobility hubs, dedicated on-street locations where citizens can choose from different shared and sustainable mobility options. learn more...

On this platform you are able to view, edit and compare mobility hub learning examples. Integration levels, developed by the SmartHubs project team, allow standardized benchmarking and the planning of development goals for hubs. For more information on the integration levels see here: Overview on integration levels

Have a look on all hubs in table view or see which hubs are organized in an hub network on the seperate sub-pages: Hubs, Networks. For research and innovation projects with dedicated case study hubs have a look on this sub-page.

in the database: 158 Hubs (9 of which are Case Studies in the SmartHubs Project), 26 Mobility Hub Networks

Mobility Hubs

Typology: central-urban ×
Physical Integration Level: 0 · 1 · 2
Digital Integration Level: 0 · 1
Democratic Integration Level: 0 · 1
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Aarhus Central Station
Aarhus, Denmark

Central Station with public transportation and other different modes available using GoTur


Baden bei Wien Main Station
Baden bei Wien, Austria

The Baden bei Wien railway station (Bahnhof Baden bei Wien) has various mobility offers including access to public transportation: interregional, freight and local trains (e.g. S-Bahn, WLB; ÖBB), and local and regional buses. It also includes carsharing (Bea), ÖBB bicycle sharing and rental, car and bicycle parking, taxi services and an e-charging station. Bike Sharing is located at the train station and on further stations in the city center.


Bologna Central Station
Bologna, Italy

Central Station with public transportation and other different modes


Brno Train Station
Brno, Czech Republic

is the principal railway station in Brno, the largest city in Moravia and the second largest in the Czech Republic. The railway station is situated in the city centre on the site of the former city wall


Budapest Keleti
Budapest, Hungary

Central Train Station


Campo Grande
Lisbon, Portugal

One of the five Lisbon's Multimodal Mobility Hubs


Central railway station Sofia
Sofia, Bulgaria


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Central Station Brescia
Brescia, Italy

Central Station with public transportation, bike and car sharing, e-bike and e-car station


Central Station Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia


Colégio Militar
Lisbon, Portugal

One of the five Lisbon's Multimodal Mobility Hubs


eHub Elgin Railway Station
Inverness, United Kingdom

Mobility hub at a station, aimed at commuters to Inverness and Aberdeen.


eHub Inverness Station / Falcon Square
Inverness, United Kingdom

Mobility hub in the center of Inverness, the largest city in the Highlands. Situated close to railway station, shopping, bars, etc.


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Firenze Santa Maria Novella Station
Firenze, Italy

Central Station with public transportation and other different modes


Gare Lille Flandres Interchange
Lille, France

One of the two mobility hubs of the "Euraflandres" interchange project.

Major train station becoming part of an interchange project of two mobility hubs.

How to adapt existing major train station to become proper mobility hubs.

User convenient and integrated real-time information: details on schedule and departure are also provided in surrounding services: metro station, restaurants, coffee shops.

The design planning included the improvement of streets, green spaces and addition of pavements textures.

Examples of integrated tickets ("Pass Pass") and convenient purchasing ways in retails at the hub.


Gothenburg Central Station
Gothenburg, Sweden

Central Station with public transportation and other different modes available using UbiGo


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Hamburg hvv switch - Station Berliner Tor
Hamburg, Germany

Station Berliner Tor is a mobility hub in the inner city of Hamburg, Germany. It is one of 18 mobility hubs that were created (or added to previously existing stations) by hvv switch. Berliner Tor is also a transport nodal point.

Carsharing, Bikesharing, Bike+Ride and hvv switch partners (SHARE NOW, SIXT share, MILES and cambio) can be used. An electrical charging point is also available. The vehicles from these companies can be parked and taken from the hvv switch stations. Special about the station Berliner Tor is: - availability of multiple transportation modes apart from the hvv switch modes: tube, tram, bus - and an additional bike rental station (StadtRAD Hamburg)

- multiple restaurant options, banks, green spaces (parks)


Hoppinpunt Leuven Station NMBS
Leuven, Belgium

Mobility hub at the railway station of Leuven. Source:


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Leyenburg Hub
The Hague, Netherlands

Mobility Hub at larger public transit station with shared mobility, bike parking, automated shuttle, next to a hospital. large transit hub (tram, bus, automated shuttle, shared modes)


Linz Hauptplatz
Linz, Austria

The central main square in Linz comes equipped with many transportation offers including Linz AG buses and streetcars, tourism-focussed transport like the Pöstlingberg tram and Linz City Express train, TIM carsharing, taxi services, and active mobility lanes for bicycles and scooters. Although through traffic of private automobiles is allowed, it is still very pedestrian friendly with many areas to walk and relax, as well as a farmers market each Saturday.


Ljubljana Central Railway and bus station
Ljubljana, Slovenia
