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Case Studies - Actors
Name of HubActors
Beylikdüzü Hub
Haagse Markt

Public Transport stop next to large market in a challenging neighborhood

Reconstruction of PT stop and urban redesign of the area with the goal to create societal support. Moving from transit stop to mobility hub fitting needs of vulnerable-to-exclusion groups living in the area
Leyenburg Hub

Mobility Hub at larger public transit station with shared mobility, bike parking, automated shuttle, next to a hospital.

large transit hub (tram, bus, automated shuttle, shared modes)
Mobilitätstation Pillichsdorf

A rural mobility hub attached to a regional bus station. There are more mobility hubs along this line with comparable services, which form a corridor along the bus line.

Small size mobility hub in a rural area

How smarthubs in rural conditions with car oriented infrastructure can be impelemented. Impacts on the residents and visitors.
Raadsplein - Place du Conseil
The mobility hub in Kuregem will be designed during the SmartHubs project.

Our main focus is to integrate passenger and freight transport, by placing Access points (UPS) and cargo bicycles near public transport stops and bike-sharing stations. Additional cargo bikes will be provided for renting. The value added of a personal “mobility consultant” will be examined, targeting elderly and digitally limited skilled population groups.

A “Wish”list will be available for a co-design of the stations
WienMobil Station Bruno Marek Allee

housing-based, decentralized hub, with carsharing, bikesharing and PT nearby

Mobility Hub in new urban area, with an audience with a very high sharing affinity . Car sharing vehicles are located in public space, other vehicles (bikes, cargo bikes,..) are located on a semi- private location.

Station is organized by Wiener Linien (public transport operator) and partly operated by MO.Point (private sharing operator for all kind of vehicles)
WienMobil Station Maria-Tusch-Straße
Zuidplein Hub
Public Transport node in South of Rotterdam in challenging neighborhood